"When I was a kid I remember some endless Summer evenings. I put cherries on my ears, like earrings, dreaming I was a grown up. And while I ate them, I always thought I want life to be as sweet as cherries."
Marca criada em Aveiro, em 2019, pela autora Teresa Nóbrega, formada em Design Gráfico e a lecionar desde sempre. O gosto pelo colecionismo de pequenas preciosidades recolhidas no dia a dia, formas e elementos da natureza, motivou o inicio desta atividade de compor adornos que possam ser usados no dia a dia. Todas as peças são únicas e cuidadosamente compostas a partir de uma recolha criteriosa pelo universo em que habita.
O nome Como as Cerejas está relacionado com uma brincadeira antiga de meninas, mulheres confiantes e capazes de dominar o seu mundo.
Brand created in Aveiro, in 2019, by the author Teresa Nóbrega, graduated in Graphic Design and teaching since always. The taste for collecting every day curiosities, shapes and elements of nature, motivated the beginning of this activity of composing ornaments that can be used in everyday life. All pieces are unique and carefully composed from a strict sellection by the surrounding universe in witch she moves.
The name Como a Cerejas is related to an old game of girls, confident women, capable of dominating their world.